Object of the Month

The Next Four Years

Letter from Richard Nixon to Leverett Saltonstall, 30 November 1972

Letter from Richard Nixon to Leverett Saltonstall, 30 November 1972

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In this letter, 理查德·尼克松总统在1972年总统选举中以压倒性优势获胜后,从白宫给马萨诸塞州前参议员莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔写信. 


1972年,理查德·尼克松总统以压倒性的优势赢得了美国政治史上第二大的胜利,此后,尼克松总统从连任计划中抽出时间,感谢莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔发来的贺信. 索尔顿斯托尔于1967年从参议院退休,但在共和党中仍是一位受人尊敬的资深人物,他曾在一个日益民主党化的州成功竞选州长和参议员. In fact the president’s opponent, Senator George McGovern, had carried only Saltonstall’s home state, Massachusetts (and the District of Columbia). 不到两年后,1974年8月9日,尼克松被迫可耻地辞职.

President Nixon’s letter was courteous but brief; he had served with Saltonstall in the Senate (1951-1952) and then through the Eisenhower presidency when Saltonstall had been a powerful member of the Senate Republican Party leadership, while Nixon’s role as vice president had, perhaps, diminished his relative importance as compared to that of a senior senator.


Over the course of his long political career and on into retirement, 参议员索尔顿斯托尔认识10位美国总统,并与他们通信 “Highlights from the Saltonstall Family Collections”).

The Hatchet Man

Although members of the same political party, 莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔和理查德·尼克松除了都有一个异常热心的助手外,几乎没有什么共同之处, Charles W. “Chuck” Colson, who worked with each of them.

虽然就读于私立学校和常春藤盟校(布朗大学), 查克·科尔森(Chuck Colson)仍然认为自己是在波士顿政治的艰苦学校中长大的工人阶级价值观的代表.  While he was studying law in Washington, Colson joined Leverett Saltonstall’s staff, serving the senator as a loyal and efficient office manager and then, in 1960, as the “invaluable” manager of Saltonstall's last, closely-fought campaign for reelection. 索尔顿斯托尔将科尔森描述为“海军陆战队上尉”,这在技术上是正确的(科尔森曾作为海军陆战队军官短暂服役,然后在预备役服役)。, 但这句话可能更能描述他的为人——意志坚强,准备克服任何阻碍他完成使命的障碍.

In his memoir, Born Again, Colson tells a darker story of the last Saltonstall campaign, 他对对手的幕后操纵秘而不宣,让他的贵族候选人置身于争斗之外. Even after his spiritual awakening, Colson still looked back fondly on how, during the 1960 senatorial campaign, 他发明了一个所谓的“草根”民主党选民运动,支持总统候选人约翰. 肯尼迪——他在马萨诸塞州非常受欢迎——这些选民会把选票分给肯尼迪两人 and Saltonstall. 科尔森后来危险地成为尼克松总统的狂热支持者, but in 1960 this put him at odds with the Republican presidential campaign.

1960年大选后,查克·科尔森离开了索尔顿斯托尔参议员办公室,在华盛顿成立了一家代表企业利益的律师事务所. From 1969 to 1973 he served as special counsel to President Nixon where, according to Leverett Saltonstall, “Colson’s loyalty to another led him into difficulties.” In fact, when the Wall Street Journal 向公众介绍科尔森是“尼克松的打手”,负责处理总统的“肮脏工作”,他们引用了一位不愿透露姓名的参议员索尔顿斯托尔的前工作人员的话说,“如果有必要,查克·科尔森甚至会从他自己的祖母身上走过”——他后来的行为模式已经形成了. This vivid description later morphed into “Colson would “run over 如果必要的话,他的祖母会选尼克松”(引起祖母们愤怒的邮件)。, but in the face of much criticism in the press, 科尔森相当高兴地承认,原话“绝对准确”.”

Chuck Colson’s journey would later take some unexpected turns. 在白宫(实际上是隔壁总统的隐蔽办公室),他和尼克松都以对方的“阴暗面”为食.” In the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, Colson pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice in the Daniel Ellsberg case. 他在联邦监狱短暂服刑,在那里他皈依了宗教,并离开了他的商业生涯,创立了监狱团契事工. In 1993, 这位“邪恶政府的‘邪恶天才’”获得了邓普顿宗教进步奖. Charles Colson died in 2012.

A Public Program that Looks Back on the Nixon Presidency

On 9 September at 5:30 PM, 马萨诸塞州历史学会将呈现约翰·迪恩和威廉·威尔德之间的虚拟对话,从水门事件开始, a sea change in American politics. “Standing Up, Stepping Forward, & 《og体育官网》将由爱德华·威德默主持. 这次谈话将以水门事件为跳板,探讨在公共生活中需要诚实和政治勇气——即使这意味着打破政党关系.

Register for the online program at bsciktc.meiyaaudio.com/events.

Further Reading

Colson, Charles W.  Born Again.  Grand Rapids: Chosen Books, 2008.

Originally published in 1976.

Saltonstall, Leverett.  Autograph collection (1830-1996).

The Richard Nixon letter forms part of the Leverett Saltonstall Autograph Collection which consists for the most part of letters written to Saltonstall during his political career and on into his retirement by politicians and members of their families; journalists; radio and television personalities; and movie stars; along with similar letters to the Senator’s son, William L. Saltonstall. 

这些藏品包括莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔担任州长期间保存在马萨诸塞州议会大厦的一本留言簿, 1939–1944.  Members of the Von Trapp family singers signed the guestbook in 1940. Their visit was described as an object of the month in March 2014.

Leverett Saltonstall Papers. 1830-1896.

莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔亲笔签名集是从这位参议员庞大的个人文件收藏中取出来的,这些文件记录了他漫长的公共生涯——这个收藏如此之大,以至于当它到达马萨诸塞州历史学会时,它是以吨为单位来衡量的.  索尔顿斯托尔的参议院文件(最初由查尔斯·科尔森整理)非常广泛,分为两个系列, described as:

Leverett Saltonstall Senatorial Papers I, 1923-1967

Leverett Saltonstall Senatorial Papers II, 1938-1967

Saltonstall, Leverett. The Autobiography of Leverett Saltonstall: Massachusetts Governor; U.S. Senator; and Yankee Icon. London and Boulder: Rowan & Littlefield, 2015.

Originally published as Salty: Recollections of a Yankee in Politics in 1976.

Thomas, Evan. Being Nixon: A Man Divided. New York: Random House, 2015.
