
印刷目录 & 图片文章



作者:Kimberly S. 亚历山大. 前言由安妮E. 宾利

马萨诸塞州历史学会从1791年开始收集家庭资料, including long-cherished 纺织品 and garments that arrived alongside 信 and diaries. 塑造新英格兰家庭 使用s documents and artifacts to illustrate a swath of more than 300 years of history, 从17世纪到20世纪初. 文本追溯了全球生产和当地消费和再利用的模式, demonstrating how New Englanders 使用d fashion to express class and political affiliations. Patriots and loyalists who are well represented in the Society’s rich holdings—Adamses, 法, 和奥利弗——经常露面.

Based on the exhibition of the same name presented at the 马萨诸塞州历史学会 from October 2018 to April 2019, this companion volume features over one hundred full-color 照片 of garments, 纺织品, 及配件, 其中许多从未向公众展示过,也从未在人们的记忆中看到过. 阅读更多og体育平台 塑造新英格兰家庭.


平装本(2021)ISBN: 978-1-936520-13-8

二等兵杰斐逊: Perspectives from the og体育官网 of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会


Peter S. Onuf, Andrea Wulf和Henry Adams

你们中的一个.S. 作为历史上最杰出的人物,托马斯·杰斐逊既令人难以捉摸,又令人尊敬. 二等兵杰斐逊 opens a window onto the third president’s inner life by digging into the single largest cache of Thomas Jefferson’s private papers, 在马萨诸塞州历史学会举行. Generously illustrated with over 100 full-color reproductions of architectural drawings, 信, 还有其他手稿.

阅读更多og体育平台 二等兵杰斐逊.


平装本(2016)ISBN: 978-1-936520-09-1
$60.00精装本(2016)ISBN: 978-1-936520-08-4

的家具工 & 卡佛的


杰拉德·W. R. 病房. Dennis Fiori的前言.

木匠和雕刻师 provides an opportunity to see a carefully selected group of significant examples of 波士顿 furniture representing the trajectory of the city's great tradition of furniture making. 呈现在近100全彩插图, these objects illustrate many of the local characteristics that distinguish 波士顿 work from that of other cities; they also open a window on 波士顿ians’ tastes and preferences. 由本市许多最有才华的橱柜匠人打造, 雕刻师, 体操运动员, 还有其他工匠, 几乎所有这些家具都来自当地著名的收藏品, 让公众难得一窥这些私人珍藏.

阅读更多og体育平台 木匠和雕刻师.


的订单, 亚马逊.

30美元平装本(2013)ISBN: 978-1-936520-06-0



萨拉·内哈马. Sarah Nehama和Anne E. 宾利.

A compendium developed to accompany and record the exhibition of the same title, 《哀悼的死亡:英美哀悼珠宝的传统 功能全彩色照片的主要例子的戒指, 手镯, 胸针, 还有其他17世纪的丧服首饰, 18th, 19世纪. 目录, 比如MHS的展览, 展示了该协会和莎拉·内哈马的收藏资料, 他是一位珠宝商和私人收藏家,也是MHS活动的共同策划人. 这些优雅而令人回味的物品在语境中呈现, 包括对历史的书面解释, 使用, 以及珠宝的意义, 以及相关的物质文化, 比如舷侧, 照片, 肖像, 葬礼的奖牌, 还有交易卡. 包括的珠宝将说明一些最典型的类型, from early gold bands with death’s head iconography to jeweled 胸针 and intricately woven hairwork pieces of 南北战争 era.


平装本(2012)ISBN: 978-1-936520-03-9



文/ Judith S. 玛格丽特·格雷厄姆. Hogan, Ondine Le Blanc, Gregg L. 和C. 詹姆斯·泰勒

几乎每一页都有全彩插图, this volume showcases Adams-related 手稿 from the collections at the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 的 selections are grouped in four chapters—including one on John and Abigail's famous correspondence and another highlighting John's contributions to the Revolution—and each chapter provides short explanations of historical context.

og体育官网 出版部门 订购.

$20.00平装本(2008)ISBN: 978-0-934909-92-1




由马萨诸塞州历史学会的工作人员编写. Pauline Maier介绍

这个大尺寸, softcover book draws on the Society's collections to illustrate the history of the Declaration of Independence—of its printing and distribution as well as its drafting. 的 images include manuscript copies in the hands of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, 费城的约翰·邓拉普第一次印刷, and a variety of later printings (including one that features the words of the declaration arranged to form a three-quarters portrait of George Washington). Pauline Maier's introduction gives a detailed history of the document's creation, placing it both in the context of key historical figures and the general populace of the new nation.

$8.00平装本(2003)ISBN: 0-934909-83-0

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我们为自由而战:马萨诸塞州,非裔美国人 & 南北战争

唐纳德·亚科沃内著,詹姆斯·奥巴马(James O. 霍顿

This excellent introduction to the contribution of African Americans to the Union effort also showcases remarkable visual materials from African American history in general. 的 book highlights the efforts of the Massach使用tts 54th Infantry Regiment—the regiment featured in the film 荣耀—by drawing on a rich collection of relevant papers and unique 照片 in the Society's archives. 要了解更多og体育平台这个摄影集的信息,请访问 摄影收藏 网页.

订购此书,请发送电子邮件至pubstaff@meiyaaudio.com. (A $2.50航运 & 所有邮寄订单将额外收取手续费.)

$10.平装本(2022,第2版. ed.) isbn: 978-0-934909-66-2



由马萨诸塞州历史学会的工作人员编写. 埃德蒙·S介绍. 摩根

2000年,最受欢迎的旧书重新设计并更新,加入了新的插图. 里维尔对他的旅程的描述, 作为传真和仔细的抄写, with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's famous poem allows readers to compare the different renditions of the pivotal event.

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$8.平装本(2000年,修订版). ed.) isbn: 0-934909-94-6

Catalogue of Books in the Massach使用tts Historical 图书馆: An Annotated Edition of the 1796 图书馆目录ue of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会

编译:John D. 玛丽·E·库欣. 玛丽·E·科格斯韦尔著. 爱德华·法比舍夫斯基. 汉森和Brenda M. 劳森


1796年,马萨诸塞州历史学会图书馆, 成立于1791年, 已经发展到需要印刷目录的程度了吗. 出版的目录1,292件作品包括政治方面的作品, 社会, 经济, 宗教, and historical events of the day as well as works relating to colonial America and the Revolutionary War. 的 Bicentennial edition of the 1796 catalog includes a high-quality facsimile reproduction of the original document, 一个转录与充分注释条目的每个原始标题, 以及大量的附录. 就像国家第一个历史学会的图书馆一样, 这对藏书家和历史学家来说都是一个重要的资源.


$85.00精装本(1997)ISBN: 0-943909-69-5

Witness to America's Past: Two Centuries of Collecting by the 马萨诸塞州历史学会



这张插图齐全的目录, published to accompany the 马萨诸塞州历史学会's 200th-anniversary exhibition at the M使用um of Fine Arts, 波士顿, 为读者提供了一个引人入胜的书籍视图, 手稿, 艺术作品, 以及该协会200多年来收集的历史文物. 装满了彩板, 黑白插图, 项目详细说明, 有趣的轶事信息, the catalog brings many of the most vital events in American and Massach使用tts history to life through the examination of material artifacts. 的 book describes more than 160 of the most historically significant objects in the Society's collection—from paintings, 打印, and engravings to unusual objects such as tea collected from the 波士顿 Tea Party, 据说塞勒姆女巫审判期间,抽屉里藏着一个女巫, 以及马萨诸塞州第54团士兵的照片, the most important African American regiment raised in the North during 南北战争.


$25.00平装本(1991)ISBN: 0-87846-334-8

Portraits in the 马萨诸塞州历史学会: An Illustrated Catalog with Descriptive Matter

文/安德鲁·奥利弗,安·米尔斯波·赫夫,爱德华·W·. 汉森

MHS肖像的综合清单, 包括主题信息, 艺术家, 以及可用的来源. 黑白和彩色插图.


$50.00精装本(1988)ISBN: 0-934909-26-1

Massach使用tts Paper Money, 1690-1780: 的 Collection of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会


A brief historical essay presented with extensive illustrations and a select bibliography provides a consice but concrete introduction to early efforts to 使用 paper money in the American colonies.

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$8.00平装本(1988)ISBN: 978-0-934909-67-9


由马萨诸塞州历史学会的工作人员编写. 伯纳德·拜林作序

A wonderful sourcebook of documents and visual artifacts related to the legendary battle of the American Revolution. 复制品向读者展示了防御工事的地图和平面图, 战斗本身的雕刻, 官方报告和英国漫画, and a detailed and moving description of the battle in an American soldier's letter to his mother.

要订购这本书,请打印出 订单 连同你的支票一起寄给协会.

您也可以查看a 网络展览 邦克山战役的资料在协会的画廊展出.

$8.00平装本(1968)ISBN: 978-0-934909-01-3

